This training is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Medical Affairs (ACMA)
Are you a Board Certified Medical Affairs Specialist (BCMAS) or Medical Science Liaison (MSL)?
Enter your professional license number during the sign-up process to receive your IACET CE Units.

4 modules available
No matter your patient engagement expertise, there is something available for

Get a general idea of what is meaningful patient engagement and who can contribute to it.
15 minutes
Available in 7 languages

Learn to define when patient engagement happens, who should do it and when patients should be involved.
45 minutes
Divided into chapters
Workbook provided
Accredited by ACMA for 0.5 IACET CE Units

Operationalize the patient engagement fundamentals acquired in the first training level and understand how to apply them in your day-to-day work.
90 minutes
Divided into chapters, with practical exercises
Workbook provided
Accredited by ACMA for two IACET CE Units

A selection of patient engagement training courses and educational materials
Deepen your patient engagement knowledge. Explore the repository.
140 resources
Sourced, reviewed and recommended by a multi-stakeholder group
Available in Synapse, the patient engagement network
Modular training on specific activities, conditions, and populations.
Not convinced yet?
Check out why this training is so needed:
The Patient Engagement Industry Training was requested and endorsed by 7 pharma companies from the PFMD partnership, and co-created together with EUPATI and other stakeholders.